Celenganku Apk: Indonesian lock screen app for keeping extra cash! Earn points by participating in various tasks and exchange them for cell phone credit, electricity credit, and more!
Features of Celenganku Apk:
- You can manage your savings with this app. There is no need for cellular data to use this app, as it is offline.
- Manage different Selenganku and benefits. The symbol for the local currency should be used.
- Make a check statement or check-in to your Selenganku for each deposit, such as B." £2.50 for room cleaning.
- You can submit it with details in just a few clicks. As an example. It's a candy shop (£2.50).
- Keep track of your kids' expenses without having to deal with messy coins.
- Keep a record of your child support payments.
- Keep a transaction journal to track your expenses.
- Coins are not lost.
- Here is a link to your deposit allocation.
- In addition, it can help strengthen a positive attitude.
- It is more hygienic than physical coins.
- For tracking expenses, this is useful.